Social Interaction & Cohesion
The rapid increase of everyday digital traces has unveiled urban dynamics which conventional principles had failed to encapsulate. Open GIS workflows and urban sensors enable urban planners to conduct customized, street-scale data collection to gain fine-grained understandings of cities. How can we codify urban phenomena? More importantly, how can we design data visualization to gain valuable insights?
The work presented was published in the 2015 ACADIA Conference proceedings. It outlines a parametric methodology for measuring social interaction and cohesion, based upon sociological principles developed in collaboration with the Barcelona Agency of Urban Ecology.
Type: computational urban design research
Team: Philip Speranza, Ryan Kiesler, Urban Interaction Lab, University of Oregon
Location: Barcelona, Spain; Eugene/ Portland, OR, USA
Date: 2014 - 2016
Presentation: 2015 ACADIA Conference, Cincinatti, OH, USA
Publication: Social Interaction and Cohesion Tool: A Dynamic Design Approach For Barcelona's Superilles
︎︎︎ Read Publication Here
Tool Demostration on a small data set collected in Eugene, OR

The concept “superilles” or superblock is a region consists of a 3x3 grid of Exiample blocks.

Structuring and visualizing over 33,000 raw custom data entries

Comprehensive visualization of a superblock
Visualization and comparison of two chosen superilles